
Physics Chemistry Biology | PCB Color Handwritten Notes Bundle PDF

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Download in-depth Physics, Chemistry, and Biology Notes in PDF format.

PCB Handwritten Notes Bundle PDF

Product: Physics, Chemistry, Biology 12th, Botany 11, Zoology 11 Study Notes (Free Physics formula sheet)
Quality: High Quality Pages A4 size
Format: PDF
Pages: Colored

Physics Length: 750 Pages
Chemistry Length: 1247 Pages
Biology 12th: 563 Pages
Botany 11th: 156 Pages
Zoology 11th: 151 Pages

Exam Level: A Level High School Grade 11 & 12 | NEET Medical Entrance

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✅ Easily Accessible on Mobile, Tab, Laptop, & PC
✅ Ultimate Notes for Teachers, Students, and Learners
✅ Created by Experienced Experts
✅ Save Time, Avoid Burnout & Ace your Exams!
✅ Revision Friendly (Highlighted Important Terms)

✅ Super Colorful and Aesthetic Notes (Make studying Enjoyable, Engaging, Efficient, & Memorize Easily)

Physics Sample  ClickHere
Chemistry Sample  ClickHere
Biology 12th Sample  ClickHere

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PCMB Combo Offer Physics + Chemistry + Math + Biology  (30% off with Free Physics Formula Sheet)

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Topics Include in Physics, Chemistry, & Biology PCB  Notes PDF:

Physics (NEET) Notes PDF
Vectors & Scalers, Kinematics, Projectile Motion, Circular Motion, Laws of Motion, Friction, Work, Power & Energy, Power, Conservation of Momentum, Collision, Rotational Mechanics, Fluids, Gravitation, Simple Harmonic Motion, Elasticity, Heat & Thermodynamics, Calorimetry, Thermodynamics, Waves & Sounds, Capacitors, Current Electricity, Electrostatics, Properties of Conductors, Capacitors, Dielectric, Current Electricity, Electrical Instruments, Magnetics, Electro Magnetic Induction, Wave Optics, Geometrical Optics, Modern Physics (Bohr’s Model, Photo electric effect, X-rays, Moseley’s Law, Radioactivity, nuclear Reactions), Semiconductor Electronics, Error Analysis, Human Eye, Solids & Semiconductors, Logic Gate, Communication System

Chemistry (NEET) Notes PDF
➔ Alcohols & Phenols (Alcohols Theory, Phenols Theory), Aldehyde, Ketones & Carboxylic Acids, Alkyl and Aryl Halides, Amines, Aromatic Nitro Compounds, Carbohydrates, General Organic Chemistry (Inductive Effect, Resonance, Hyperconjugation, Aromaticity, Stability of Carbocation, Stability of Radicals, Stability of Carbanion, Nomenclature, Geometrical Isomerism, Acid and Base Concept, Hydrogen Bonding, Optical Isomerism, Structural Isomerism, Dipole Moment), Hydrocarbons (Alkadienes, Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes), Practical Organic Chemistry, Reaction Mechanism

➔ Periodic Classification, Block Chemistry (Group IA, Group IIA, Group 13, Group 14, Group 15, Group 16, Group 17, Group 18), Hydrogen, Metallurgy, Qualitative Analysis, Co-ordination Chemistry

➔ Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding, Ionic Equilibrium, Chemical Equilibrium, Gaseous State, Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry, Solutions and Colligative Properties, Solid State, Surface Chemistry, Chemical Kinetics and Radioactivity, ElectroChemistry

Biology Grade / Class 12th NEET Notes PDF:
All Chapters 1-16
Reproduction In Organism, Sexual Reproduction In Flowering Plants, Human Reproduction, Reproductive Health, Heredity & Variation, Molecular Basis of Inheritance, Evolution – Origin of Life, Human Health & Disease, Improvement In Food Production, Microbes In Human Welfare, Introduction To Biotechnology, Application of Biotechnology, Organisms & Environment, Ecosystem, Biodiversity and It’s Conservation, Environmental Issues

Botany Biology Grade / Class 11th NEET Notes PDF:
Nomenclature, Biological Classification, Five Kingdom Classification, Plant Physiology, Transport In Plants, Respiration In Plants, Enzymes, Plant Growth and Development, Cell Biology, Cell Cycle and Cell Division, Plant Anatomy

Zoology Biology Grade / Class 11th NEET Notes PDF:
Nervous System, Endocrine Glands, Movement & Locomotion, Skeleton System, Digestive System, Breathing & Exchange of Gases, Body Fluids & Circulation, Excretory System, Animal Tissue, Polysaccharide, Animal Kingdom

Looking for comprehensive and visually stunning study materials to ace your High School and competitive Physics, Chemistry, and Biology PCB exams? Look no further than our collection of Aesthetic Study Notes, covering all the essential topics in Physics and chemistry.


✔️ Covered all important topics with clear and easiest explanation
✔️ These notes will help you to achieve A* in Physics and chemistry A level | NEET
✔️ Includes Handmade diagrams
✔️ Super colorful and aesthetic study notes
✔️ High Quality (HD) Scanned pages PDF
✔️ All stuff in well design manner
✔️ Includes Tables, Charts, Diagrams etc…to memories easily
✔️ Colored notes will help you to make interest and keep focus for a Long Time
✔️ Covers all important formulas for Physics
✔️ Latest notes for Upcoming exams 2024
✔️ Absolutely wonderful resource! you’ll getting so engaged with the lessons that accompanied these notes.

Beautifully handwritten, concise, and easy to follow Comprehensive guide for high school Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and (PCB). Its Absolutely incredible notes to use for reviewing concepts, everything in depth.


Highly recommend these notes for anyone taking A Level | NEET and equivalent and equivalent to High School Junior & Senior 11th & 12th Grade Physics, Chemistry, Biology (PCB) courses. Unlike reading from books, there is a magic to reading from our handwritten (handmade) colored notes. We highly recommend you to do study with these aesthetic notes.



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Thank you for visiting NewtonDesk shop! I hope you find these notes useful and help you to achieve success in your Science Courses or examinations includes Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (PCB).

Reviews (6)

6 reviews for Physics Chemistry Biology | PCB Color Handwritten Notes Bundle PDF

  1. Ketan P

    These notes are very well done, saves extra time to have to develop your own, and will definetely be useful for preparing for neet exam…thanks!

  2. Ashutosh C

    I am so happy I found this amazing study bundle. I’m a neet educator right now and it has been a wonderful help!!! Thank you

  3. Arzoo

    excellent resource. most engaging, concise & accurate information presented in an organized and easy to understand format!!

  4. Awani sharma

    Very helpful notes, helping me a lot for my neet exam. some day ago i bought english grammar notes to check and belive me those were really awesome, now i bought pcb bundle and I enjoying all the materials, its really worth and price is also not very high. Thank you for such a golden notes newtondesk.

  5. Naha Bella

    I’ve Never seen such type of beautiful notes. These are just amazing, excellent, fabulous ,outstanding . these notes are quite easy to understand and learn…great help for students..

  6. Alok kumar

    I m a teacher and I liked ur study notes vry much….explain topics vry well

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physics chemistry biology pcb study notes pdfPhysics Chemistry Biology | PCB Color Handwritten Notes Bundle PDF
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