Discover top-quality physics notes designed for students in the UK, USA, CA. Our aesthetic handwritten study notes cover various levels of exams, including AP, As A Level, and high school (HSC). Whether you’re in class 11 or college, these notes are tailored to your needs. Comprehensive collection of physics chemistry biology materials, including formulas and study guides. Elevate your physics studies with our printable PDF, and high-quality physics resources. Perfect for students in the UK, USA looking for STEM Science education support and excel in your studies.
Topics Include in Physics, Chemistry, & Biology PCB (HSC Grade 11 & 12) Notes PDF:
Physics (HSC Grade 11 & 12, IB, AP) Notes PDF
Vectors & Scalers, Kinematics, Projectile Motion, Circular Motion, Laws of Motion, Friction, Work, Power & Energy, Power, Conservation of Momentum, Collision, Rotational Mechanics, Fluids, Gravitation, Simple Harmonic Motion, Elasticity, Heat & Thermodynamics, Calorimetry, Thermodynamics, Waves & Sounds, Capacitors, Current Electricity, Electrostatics, Properties of Conductors, Capacitors, Dielectric, Current Electricity, Electrical Instruments, Magnetics, Electro Magnetic Induction, Wave Optics, Geometrical Optics, Modern Physics (Bohr’s Model, Photo electric effect, X-rays, Moseley’s Law, Radioactivity, nuclear Reactions), Semiconductor Electronics, Error Analysis, Human Eye, Solids & Semiconductors, Logic Gate, Communication System
Chemistry (HSC Grade 11 & 12, IB, AP) Notes PDF
➔ Alcohols & Phenols (Alcohols Theory, Phenols Theory), Aldehyde, Ketones & Carboxylic Acids, Alkyl and Aryl Halides, Amines, Aromatic Nitro Compounds, Carbohydrates, General Organic Chemistry (Inductive Effect, Resonance, Hyperconjugation, Aromaticity, Stability of Carbocation, Stability of Radicals, Stability of Carbanion, Nomenclature, Geometrical Isomerism, Acid and Base Concept, Hydrogen Bonding, Optical Isomerism, Structural Isomerism, Dipole Moment), Hydrocarbons (Alkadienes, Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes), Practical Organic Chemistry, Reaction Mechanism
➔ Periodic Classification, Block Chemistry (Group IA, Group IIA, Group 13, Group 14, Group 15, Group 16, Group 17, Group 18), Hydrogen, Metallurgy, Qualitative Analysis, Co-ordination Chemistry
➔ Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding, Ionic Equilibrium, Chemical Equilibrium, Gaseous State, Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry, Solutions and Colligative Properties, Solid State, Surface Chemistry, Chemical Kinetics and Radioactivity, ElectroChemistry
Math (HSC Grade 11 & 12, IB, AP) Notes PDF
➔ Algebra (Complex Number, Determinants & Matrix, Permutation & Combination, Inequalities & Graphs, Binomial Theorem)
➔ Trigonometry (Solution of Triangle, Inverse Trigonometry Functions)
➔ Co-ordinate Geometry (Straight Lines, Circles, Parabola, Ellipse, Hyperbola)
➔ Vector and 3D Geometry (Vectors, 3D Geometry)
➔ Differential Calculus (Sets, Relations and Functions, Limits, Continuity, Differentiability and Differentiation, Tangent & Normals, Between Curves, Monotonocity, Critical Points, Points of Inflection, Nature of roots of Cubic, Maxima and Minima, Rolle’s Theorem, LMVT)
➔ Integral Calculus (Indefinite Integration, Definite Integration, Area Under Curve, Differential Equation)
Biology (HSC Grade 11 & 12, IB, AP) Notes PDF
➔ Reproduction In Organism, Sexual Reproduction In Flowering Plants, Human Reproduction, Reproductive Health.
➔ Heredity & Variation, Molecular Basis of Inheritance, Evolution – Origin of Life.
➔ Human Health & Disease, Improvement In Food Production, Microbes In Human Welfare.
➔ Introduction To Biotechnology, Application of Biotechnology, Biosafety issues, Biopiracy & Patents on GMO.
➔ Organisms & Environment, Ecosystem, Biodiversity and It’s Conservation, Environmental Issues.
➔ The Living World, Biological Classification, Plant Kingdom, Animal Kingdom.
➔ Morphology of Flowering Plants, Anatomy of Flowering Plants, Structural Organisation in Animals.
➔ Cell: The Unit of Life, Cell theory, Prokaryotic cell, Eukaryotic cell (Plant cell, Animal cell, Plasma membrane, Cell wall), Cell Organelles, Endomembrane System and more, Biomolecules and Enzymes, Cell Cycle and Cell Division.
➔ Transport in Plants, Mineral Nutrition, Photosynthesis in Higher Plants, Respiration in Plants, Plant-Growth and Development.
➔ Digestion and Absorption, Breathing and Respiration, Body Fluids and Circulation, Excretory Products and their Elimination, Locomotion and Movement, Neural (Nervous) Control and Coordination, Chemical Coordination and Integration
Detail Description
Looking for comprehensive and visually stunning study materials to ace your High School and competitive PCB exams? Look no further than our collection of Aesthetic Study Notes, covering all the essential topics in Physics, Chemistry, Biology.
These PCB Notes comprehensively cover all essential physics definitions, providing detailed explanations and a wide range of problems. We address concepts from fundamental to advanced, ensuring a thorough understanding of the subject matter.”
Whether you’re a student striving for excellence or a dedicated teacher, our NewtonDesk study guide is your path to deep subject understanding. It’s your ticket to success in your High School Program.
✔️ Covered all important topics with clear and easiest explanation
✔️ These notes will help you to achieve AA* in PCB, whether you’re studying A Level, AP, or HSC in 11th and 12th grade.
✔️ Includes Handmade diagrams
✔️ Super colorful and aesthetic study notes
✔️ High Quality (HD) Scanned pages PDF format
✔️ All stuff in well design manner
✔️ Includes Tables, Charts, Diagrams and more…to memories easily
✔️ Colored notes will help you to make interest and keep focus for a Long Time
✔️ Covers all important formulas and concepts for PCB High School
✔️ Latest notes for Upcoming exams 2024
✔️ Absolutely wonderful resource! that will keep you thoroughly engaged with the lessons accompanied by these notes..
Beautifully handwritten, concise, and easy to follow Comprehensive guide for high school Physics and Chem, Bio. Its Absolutely incredible notes to use for reviewing concepts, everything in depth.
Highly recommend these notes for anyone taking As & A Level, AP, IB, or their equivalent in High School for Junior and Senior year, 11th and 12th-grade PCB courses in UK, US. Unlike reading from textbooks, there’s something magic about studying from our handwritten (handmade) colored notes. We highly recommend studying with these aesthetically study notes
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Thank you for visiting NewtonDesk shop! I hope you find these notes useful and help you to achieve success in your Physics Chem Math Bio Courses or examinations.
Explore the world of complete physics chemistry and biology with our comprehensive study notes tailored for UK and USA students. With our study materials or resources, you’ll get clarity in AP Physics 1 2 & c, IB, and access formula sheets to power up your understanding of physics chem bio equations and definitions.
Taelyr Phillips –
loved it. Great bundle. printed out most of it because it made it more aesthetic and easy to study! really helps with focusing on what matters most (without getting so overwhelmed) 🙂 thanks!
Zaria –
Looks so pretty and easy to read! Love this purchase